Saturday, 24 March 2012

Dolphin Courtship: Brutal, Cunning, Complex (Natalie Angier)

          Often at times when we hear the word courtship we define it as sweet, caring for someone and trying to please someone to like you back. Then about dolphins they could also appear sweet and spectacular to us. But in this case, for dolphins it’s a very different perspective for them. Imagine a group of males around you trying to court you by beating you up and raping you, that’s how mating is for dolphins. Of course, it’s like a terrifying scene but it’s really how dolphin’s mate. Female dolphins tend to fight back and some also escapes from these male dolphins. That’s why female dolphins go in packs in order to protect one another from these male dolphins. But also even when female dolphins go into groups if the male dominates the female then the female looses.
     This expository essay was really interesting not all could have known about this. But this could also change a reader’s way on how they see a dolphin again. It could also reduce the sweetness of dolphins the way we saw them before. The truth about dolphin’s mating is really upsetting but that’s the way they roll and maybe there is really a reason behind these acts of theirs.

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