Saturday 24 March 2012

American is tough on Macho (Rose Del Castillo Guilbault)

The ways we define macho nowadays are really different. It’s like we more define macho as a man with his either positive or negative sides. Being real men is like having this masculine type even smoking and drinking can give them an appeal. It started during the early times as describes by the Latin male as macho to an alleged mass murderer. This still had given macho the bad name. The way we describe macho should be more like a genuine type of person, a man more of a gentlemen.
     The essay showed the different perspective of different peoples in different nations how they describe a macho.  It illustrated a macho being tougher and conquering all what may come in its way. I think this standpoint is sought in a wrong way. I think it should be referred to as a positive description to all.

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